
This is the Canada First Party’s Manifesto.

This is a document that outlines the parties ideas, plans forward and ultimately it is the party’s vision for the future. If you can imagine a country without income tax, without profiteering corporations and with a true sense of direction for the future, then feel free to download or print the manifesto for your reading pleasure.

Keep in mind not all of these ideas will come to fruition, however, there are several that must.

There are also pages for political reform for those seeking a change in governing style.

Download or View the PDF Party Manifesto here – More languages coming soon

Key Points:

Abolishment of Income tax –

Your hard earned money should not be taxed before you recieve it

Profit Caps for Corperations –

A 500 Million dollar profit cap instituted for all business and corporations will ensure that more Canadian dollars stay in Canada

Revitalize/Build new towns –

This will create much needed jobs in all aspects and build the much needed homes. Cities are running out of space and becoming more congested every year, lets not have Mega-Metropolises be the future of the country

Immigration Ban on countries over 500 million population-

This will protect our Canadian way of life, our culture, and our standard of living for the next several years while we fix the countries problems

The Party needs you, Become the Change